Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Napier Book: 125 Years

I am so incredibly excited about my most recent purchase.  I just pre-ordered The Napier Co. book! 

Image of book from
It looks absolutely amazing!  According to the official website for this book, the author spent over 11 years researching the history of The Napier Co, and interviewed over 50 former employees of the company.  I had no idea that The Napier Co. had been around for over 125 years.  This book is so thoroughly researched that it will provide not just a history of the company, but will be a great resource for anyone researching style and fashions through those years also!

Check out this promotional video! Be sure to have some rags handy to wipe up the drool.

It's not yet published, but it looks to be the go to book of the season. Pre-order price is only $99!  After it's published, the price will go up to $129.00, so get your order in now!

Here's the link one more time if you missed it from above!