I love going Estate Sale-ing. I can usually find some great pieces and keep my costs down for my shop. Unfortunately, the sales have been a little depressing lately, with not much good stuff when I get there. Yesterday was a rare day when I got to go sale-ing on a day that wasn't Saturday. Of the 5 sales I went to, 0 had any good jewelry. Today though, Hubby and I went to Estate Sales and bought all this from just 4 out of the 8 sales I went to. Hey, a .500 average is great in Baseball, it should count for something in the Vintage world!
Anywho, one of my favorites from today is that ring in the bottom left corner. That's sterling silver and Israeli Turquoise. There are some shell cameos up on the top, and some funky clamper bracelets too that I'm digging on. The necklace on the top left is Hematite, and the top right is Majorica pearls.
I'll be a busy girl photographing and listing all this great stuff. Gotta inventory it and do some cleaning first!