Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lessons Learned

One of the big deal makers in costume jewelry is DeLizza & Elster.  The problem is, they never signed their pieces because they often made jewelry for other companies.  They had one line of jewelry that was only out for about two years called "Juliana."  Most people will refer to jewelry made by DeLizza & Elster as "D&E Juliana" or just "Juliana."

I'd been thinking that Juliana jewelry was way out of my league price-wise and had mistakenly assumed that I wouldn't find any where I shop.  Because of this stupid assumption, I had put off doing a lot of research on it.  I mean, I'm in grad school and doing research on a daily basis; I really didn't want to do any more. 

I've learned a hard lesson.  Turns out, a piece I recently sold was D&E, and I could have asked at least double what I did, AND I discovered that two pieces I already had were D&E Juliana. Simply because I looked at THIS excellent webpage!  I've gone and amended my listings.  You can see these pieces HERE and HERE.

Lesson Learned!  Do your research!

I'm still trying to come up with more ideas for blog posts.  Maybe I'll write a full on APA style research paper on D&E Juliana jewelry and link it here... after I'm done with grad school.

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